Milujem škandinávske kuchyne a teda všetko, čo s tým patrí. Dôležitou súčasťou je aj kuchynský stôl. Teda musím povedať, že tieto sú naozaj veľmi pekné. Veru neviem neviem, či si nezadovážim aj ja nový stôl. :-)
I love Scandinavian kitchen and therefore everything in it belongs. An important part is the kitchen table. So I must say that these tables are really nice. Truly I do not know if I buy a new one. :-)
Hi there, thank you for the hint about the dining tables. I just love the second picture and the table with the legs, so cool! The chairs I have seen before. Do you know what they are from, what brand?
OdpovedaťOdstrániťTake care!
Hi Mette! I love this picture , too :-)I took this picture from