Hej hej! Je pravda,že pre mňa je najbližší švédsky design, švédske interiéry. Ktorý zo škandinávskych štýlov je najbližší pre Vás?Pripravila som aj dotazník, ktorý nájdete vpravo môjho blogu. Prosím o vyplnenie.
Hej hej! It is true that for me is the closest Swedish design, Swedish interior. Which of the Scandinavian style is closest to you?, I prepared a questionnaire which can be found to the right of my blog. Please fill it.
Hej hej! It is true that for me is the closest Swedish design, Swedish interior. Which of the Scandinavian style is closest to you?, I prepared a questionnaire which can be found to the right of my blog. Please fill it.
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