Hej hej ! Niekomu sa čiernobiela kombinácia páči a niekomu nie. Aj ja som sa dlho bránila proti tejto kombinácii. Hoci stále neviem, či by som v takých bytoch dokázala žiť i napriek krásnemu designu. A Vám sa čiernobiela kombinácia páči? Vedeli by ste si to predstaviť vo svojom dome alebo byte?
Hej hej ! Some, like the combination of black and someone not. Although I have long defended against this combination. While still do not know whether I could live in such housing, despite the beautiful design. A combination of black and white will be like? Can you imagine it in your house or apartment?
Hej hej ! Some, like the combination of black and someone not. Although I have long defended against this combination. While still do not know whether I could live in such housing, despite the beautiful design. A combination of black and white will be like? Can you imagine it in your house or apartment?
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