Pridávam niekoľko veľmi dobrých inšpirujúcich obrázkov obývačiek.Veru, keby som minulý rok nemenila svoju obývačku, tak sa nechám inšpirovať týmito, najmä obrázkom č.2. Tam sa mi páči, samozrejme okrem iného, krásny koberec. Naozaj radosť pozerať. :)
Adding some very good inspiring images living rooms. I did not change my living room last year I chose one of those. I like image no. 2. I like all of this image, especially beautiful carpet. Really, they are beautiful. :)
So many beautiful spaces here. The rug you like in the first picture is from IKEA, one of my friends has it and it looks even better in real life. I hope you've had a lovely weekend.
OdpovedaťOdstrániťHi Niki, my both sons ( 3 years old and 5 month ) are ill already 14 days so we stayed at home second weekend :(
OdpovedaťOdstrániťYes,the rug is really beautiful, your friend is happy to have him but I have no such luck because it is not in stock in our Ikea. :( What a pity!
I believe that you had better weekend.