Škandinávsky štýl milujem aj preto, že je svetlý, slnečný. Plne využíva svetlo prirodzené, ale aj umelé. A preto si Škandinávci dávajú záležať ako na celom designe, tak nevynímajúc aj lampy, či už sú to stolové alebo stropné. Niekoľko ich prinášam, ktoré ma zaujali, obrázky mám aj z veľmi pekného a obľúbeného švédskeho blogu Live a lot. Ďakujem.
I love the Scandinavian style because it is bright, sunny. Takes full advantage of natural light as well as artificial. Therefore, the Scandinavians give rest to the whole design, and not excluding the lamp, whether it's table or ceiling. A number of them bring that impressed me, and I have pictures of a very nice and popular Swedish Blog Live a lot. Thank you.
live a lot
live a lot
live a lot
I love the Scandinavian style because it is bright, sunny. Takes full advantage of natural light as well as artificial. Therefore, the Scandinavians give rest to the whole design, and not excluding the lamp, whether it's table or ceiling. A number of them bring that impressed me, and I have pictures of a very nice and popular Swedish Blog Live a lot. Thank you.
live a lot
live a lot
live a lot
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