Svieži vzduch v tomto škandinávskom designe robí tento byt veľmi zaujímavý a nádherný. Napríklad svieža ružová atmosféra na obrázku 2, 3 je neskutočne perfektná, krásny konferenčný stolík a nesmiem zabudnúť na stoličky pri jedálenskom stole a na peknú slnečnú terasu. :)
Fresh air in this Scandinavian design makes this apartment very interesting and beautiful. For example, fresh pink atmosphere on the images 2, 3 is extremely perfect, beautiful coffee table and not forget the chairs at the dining table and a nice sun terrace. :)
Fresh air in this Scandinavian design makes this apartment very interesting and beautiful. For example, fresh pink atmosphere on the images 2, 3 is extremely perfect, beautiful coffee table and not forget the chairs at the dining table and a nice sun terrace. :)
Such pretty spaces. I'm such a big fan of that pink sofa - so pretty! And the Noguchi coffee table of course :) If you haven't already don't miss out on my latest give-away :)
OdpovedaťOdstrániťAbsolutely right, this pink sofa is beautiful...
Odstrániťyes, I want to have a look on your blog, thank you :)