Na dnes som vybrala švédsky byt, ktorý je na predaj. Zaujal ma svojou atmosférou. Cítiť z neho pozitívnu energiu, pokoj a domov, harmóniu. Centrum tohto bytu sú točité schody, ktoré rozdeľujú kuchyňu s obývacou miestnosťou. Byt je zariadený naozaj krásne. :)
For today I chose Swedish home that is for sale. I was impressed by its atmosphere. Feel it positive energy, peace and home harmony. The center of this apartment are spiral stairs that separates kitchen and living room. The apartment is furnished with really beautiful. :)
For today I chose Swedish home that is for sale. I was impressed by its atmosphere. Feel it positive energy, peace and home harmony. The center of this apartment are spiral stairs that separates kitchen and living room. The apartment is furnished with really beautiful. :)
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