Last week
28 – 30 September 2013 was great event Design Trade in Copenhagen. If you monitor
some interesting blogs about design you know about it more.
I was not there but I watch Stylizimo ( Nina Holst ) and I know a lot of
interesting things.
I add some
photos which I like most. It is about Nina Holst’s styling in Copenhagen and
design and styling of new talent Christina Liljenberg Halstrom.
Nina used he
lounge chair is by HAY, the mirror
is by Trip Trap
and the little coffee table is by Foxy
Potato. The marble wallpaper is by Ferm Living and the cushion and the throw in the chair is
by Broste.
Minulý týždeň od 28 do 30 Septembra 2013 sa konala super udalosť
v Kodani Design Trade. Ak sledujete blogy o designe, určite viete
o tom.
Nanešťastie som tam nebola, ale sledujem moje obľúbené
Stylizimo od Niny Holst a mám informácie z prvej ruky.Tu pripájam fotky, ktoré ma oslovili .
Je to Ninin styling a design a styling nového
talentu Christiny Liljenberg Halstrom.
Nina použila stoličku od HAY, zrkadlo od Trip Trap, malý
konferenčný stolík od Foxy Potato, tapety od Ferm Living a vankúš
a podsedák je od Broste.
Design by Christina Liljenberg Halstrom ( photo by Nina Holst )
Design by Christina Liljenberg Halstrom ( photo by Nina Holst )
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