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Swedish traditional christmas atmosphere / Švédska tradičná vianočná atmosféra

If you want to feel swedish traditional x-mas atmosphere, you can prepare their traditional christmas drink glogg.  Here is recipe:

2 ( 750 ml ) red fruity wine as a Beaujolais
1 ( 750 ml ) port wine
3 ( 3 inch ) cinnamon sticks
14 whole cloves
1 orange, peel cut into thin strips
1 cup white sugar, or to tase
3/4 cup rum, or to taste
1/4 cup brandy, or to taste
1 cup raisins
1 cup slivered almonds

  1. Gently simmer the red wine, port wine, cinnamon sticks, whole cloves, and orange peel in a large pot set over medium-low heat. Stir in the sugar, rum, and brandy. Continue simmering 5 minutes more, stirring to completely dissolve the sugar, and the mixture is steaming but not boiling.
  2. Mix the raisins and almonds together in a bowl.
  3. To serve, ladle into coffee cups or Swedish-style small glass or ceramic mugs. Garnish each cup with a spoonful of the raisin and almond mixture.

Ak chcete cítiť pravú švédsku vianočnú atmosféru, k tomu neodmysliteľne patrí ich vianočný nápoj glogg, ak si ho chcete pripraviť prísady sú hore a nech sa páči recept na prípravu:

Jemne povaríme červené víno, portské víno, klinčeky, škoricu, pomarančovú kôru na strednom ohni v pomerne veľkom hrnci. Vmiešame pomaly cukor, rum a brandy. Necháme povariť 5 minút a stále miešame, aby sa cukor rozpustil. Samostatne v miske si zmiešame hrozienka a mandle = to si pripravíme na ozdobenie. A už potom do sklenných pohárov alebo keramických hrnčekov naberáme glogg.


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Another nice christmas styling in our christmas competition

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Lovely advent wreath for our christmas competition

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