Mam velmi rada dansky styl a design, neskutocne krasne prepustaju svetlo do interieru. Tento interier ako zaklad pouzil bielu, super vyber, jednoliata biela podlaha dava interieru dusu a s doplnkami absolutne nic nie je prehnane, vsetko ladi, no radost pozerat a este vacsia byvat....
Co poviete? Paci sa aj Vam dansky design and interier?
Vasa Lucia Albertine
I love danish design and interior styling so much and this interior is so lovely and light. I adore the floor which is soul for this home. I love the colors decorations, all is absolutely perfect and stylish.....hmmm I would like to live there:)
And you? Do you like danish interior design?
Your Lucia Albertine
Images via Boligmagasinet
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