Konecne je to tu! Ano, konecne sa blizi leto a mam coraz vacsi pocit, ze neskutocne mnozstvo ludi sa na tohtorocne leto tesi. Nasa rodina teda zvlast, kedze sme boli skoro celu zimu chori, tak sme sa rozhodli to vyuzit.
Nie je vobec zly napad prezit 2 letne mesiace s detmi niekde pri vode, teda ak sa da :)
Letne domy su velmi dobry napad a teda tento zvlast....Je krasny, co poviete?
Prajem krasnu a slnecnu nedelu!
Vasa Lucia Albertine
Finally, the warmer weather is here and summer is coming. I think that a lot of people look forward to summer especially this year.
Be out for two summer´s months is very good idea and the summer houses are available for it.
I love this idea and this summer house, it is perfect for summer, maybe for your summer.
Have a lovely and sunny Sunday!
Your Lucia Albertine
Images via homedit
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