Prinasam Vam dalsi krasny rozlohou maly, ale zato designom a stylingom velky byt.
Nachadza sa vo Svedsku. Ma neskutocnu atmosferu a sarm. Paci sa mi vyuzite svetla, ako aj podlaha dodavajuca pocit tepla, nabytok ako konferencny stolik a stol s lavicami, ktore su uzasne, najviac z tohto bytu ma zaujal koberec v obyvacej izbe. Je naozaj nezvycajny....
Ja davam jednotku tomuto bytu za cast spalne, lebo v poslednom case sa mi velmi paci vyuzitie paravanu v interieri.
Aj Vam sa paci tento byt?
Krasny zvysok dna a co najviac slniecka!
Lucia Albertine
I am bringing other lovely scandinavian small apartment, lovely with typical design and styling.
This flat is located in Sweden. I like unbelievable atmosphere and charm. Another important thing is light, the floor which gives the feeling of warmth. I love the furniture as coffee table, the table with benches near the window. I am interested in one thing, it is the carpet in the living room, this carpet is unusal for me...
I give big star for the bedroom because I love the paravan, it looks so perfect in the interior...
Do you like this apartment too?
Have a lovely rest of the day and a lot of sun :)
Lucia Albertine
Images via HusmanHagberg
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