Hned na zaciatku musim povedat, ze takyto dom by som veru chcela.
Exterier a aj interier su uzasne, dom vyzera velmi pohodlne a aj nabytok je uzasny. Na prvy pohlad cloveka zaujme riesenie spalne / hostovskej izby :), vyzera to super :)
Je to dom, kde je drevo krasne spracovane, vyzera tak domacky a aj ta cervena, skandinavska farba je uchvatna....:)
Tak Vas necham popozerat fotografie a prajem krasny den!
Lucia Albertine
I have to say this country house is incredible and I would like to have it.
The exterior and the interior look amazing, comfortable and the furniture is nice.
I like the bedroom / guest room which is fantastic, I love the ladder in the interior .
It is the house where is used the wood really nicely and the red scandinavian color is stunning...:)
So I let you to watch the images below ...
Have a nice day!
Lucia Albertine
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