Je velmi pekne a prijemne, ked aj okolie domu alebo bytu je krasne. Dnes prinasam velmi dobry priklad toho, kedy je krasny nielen interier , ale aj exterier.
Myslim, ze posedenie na terase pocas teplejsich dni je viac ako prijemne, nic nie je krajsie ako uzivat si slniecko v pokoji a v klude :)
No ale nebolo by fer, keby sme zabudli aj na interier. Mne sa neskutocne pacia velke okna, tie su uzasne a vdaka nim je interier svetlejsi.
Ked vstupite do vnutra, hned Vas privita otvoreny priestor, vyuzitie dreva, co dodava pocit tepla a biela farba, ktora zase zabezpecuje pocit pohody. Neskutocna je kuchyna s jedalenskym priestorom a stolickami tulips....a takisto pekne je riesene poschodie..:)
Aj Vam sa paci tento dom?
Pekny den!
Lucia Albertine
I love nice interior but exterior too. I am bringing nice example of this.
Terrace is brilliant and I think is so nice to relax there.
But the interior of this house is perfect too. I love the big windows, the wood, open space and white color...
I like the kitchen with dining space and tulips chair and the floor is designed very nicely..:)
And you? Do you like this scandinavian house?
Have a lovely day!
Lucia Albertine
Images via Bjurfors
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