Toto je velmi prijemny, podkrovny byt, ktory sa nachadza vo Svedsku. Posobi priestranne a je zariadeny s vkusom.
Neskutocne pekny je priestor kuchyne s jedalenskym stolom a zaujimavymi stolickami. Velmi dobre je zariadena spalna a obyvacia izba. Cely priestor je velmi pekny a zaujimavy spolu s terasou.
Mate radi aj Vy podkrovne byty?
Pekny den!
Lucia Albertine
This is very nice and cozy attic apartment which is located in Sweden. It looks so spaciously and is designed very lovely.
I love brilliant space of kitchen and dining table with the interesting chairs. The bedroom and the living room have really beautiful styling.
This attic flat is very nice and interesting with the magical terrace.
Do you like attic apartments?
Have a lovely day!
Lucia Albertine
Images via Bjurfors
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