Dnes mam pre Vas pre zmenu vacsi a rozsiahlejsi byt, ktory sa nachadza vo Svedsku a uputal ma viacerymi vecami.
Jednym z nich je cervena farba v kuchyni, ja osobne cervenu nemusim, ale celkom pekne vyznie v miestnosti a hlavne pekne a vkusne su doladene detaily izby.
Potesili ako inak drevene, biele podlahy :) Neskutocne pekne a vkusne doladena je obyvacia izba, v ktorej je super vymysleny pracovny stol.
No a v poslednom case sa mi velmi pacia, ked su na stenach zavesene gitary alebo dokonca aj bicykle, vyzera to tak cool :)
Aj Vam sa paci tento svedsky byt?
Pekny zvysok dna!
Lucia Albertine
I have chosen bigger apartment for little change. It is located in Sweden. I love this flat for more nice things.
When I saw the red color in the kitchen.....I don´t like this color much but I think it is very nice with all details in this room. :) I was really happy to see beautiful wooden white floor :) I love it so much!
The living room is unbelievable room where everything is fantastic. I love the idea of working space near the window.
Recently I started to love the guitars or bicycles on the wall. I think it looks so nice and cool.
And you? Do you like this apartment?
Have a nice rest of the day!
Lucia Albertine
Images via Stadshem
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