Tento byt ma velmi uputal celou svojou atmosferou, ze som sa rozhodla ho uverejnit na svojom blogu.
Je z ponuky realitnej kancelarie Bjurfors a podla mna svojim jedinecnym stylom uputa hned na prvy pohlad. Mna teda zaujal urcite :)
Samozrejme, ze ma potesila cierno - biela kombinacia spalne a bola som zvedava ako sa postupovalo v ostatnych izbach. A som rada, ze domaci sa nechali uniest farbami a hned cely priestor je ovela zivsi a elegantny....
Prajem krasny stvrtok!
Lucia Albertine
I love this apartment and I think it is very interesting home.
It is from the offer of Real Estate Agency Bjurfors and the style of the flat is unique. I was really happy to see black and white bedroom because it is my favourite color´s combination. :) But when I saw other rooms I was happy too. People who live there used the colors very nicely and whole apartment looks fresh and elegant...
Have a nice Thursday!
Lucia Albertine
Images via Bjurfors
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