Tento krasny dom sa nachadza v Dansku, severne od Kodane. Je jasnym prikladom danskeho vkusu a elegancie. Milujem velke a priestranne miestnosti, ktore su ciste, jasne a prehladne. Priestor je zariadeny velmi pekne, krasne je vyuzite svetlo a pekne je prepojeny exterier s interierom....Musi sa naozaj prijemne byvat v takomto dome na okraji lesa.
Prajem este krasnu stredu!
Lucia Albertine
This beautiful house is located in Denmark, north of Copenhagen. It is lovely example of danish style and elegance. I love big and spacious rooms which are clean and wonderful. This space is designed nicely, it is used the light very well and the exterior is connected with the interior, it looks so perfect....I think it would be great to live in this house near the forest...
Have a nice rest of Wednesday!
Lucia Albertine
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