Pacil sa Vam vcerajsi post ohladne svedskeho domu plneho geometrickych tvarov? Mne neskutocne a veru som povedala, ze v buducnosti si veci v tychto tvaroch do bytu aj zaopatrim a jednym z nich bude aj koberec. V interieroch vyzera neskutocne dobre a byt alebo dom je ovela viac zaujimavejsi...
Prajem krasny a slnecny den!
Lucia Albertine
Did you like the post about swedish apartment in geometric shapes from yesterday? I loved it so much and I said that I must to have some geometric shapes in my apartment and I would like to decided for the carpet. The carpet looks very nice and the interior with it is very interesting....
Have a nice and sunny day!
Lucia Albertine
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