Slamena taska je neodmyslitelnou sucastou letneho outfitu. Jednak vyzera dobre a potom sa moze pouzit naozaj vsade, ci na plaz, do obchodu alebo ked si vyjdeme s priatelmi...Ja ju jednoducho milujem, je pravda, ze mi este chyba, ale verim, ze to coskoro napravim...
Prajem krasny a slnecny den!
Lucia Albertine
Straw bag is very important for our summer outfit. It looks so nice and we can use it the beach, to the supermarket or when we go outside with friends. It is true I have not it in my wardrobe but I will buy it soon...very soon :)
Have a lovely, sunny day!
Lucia Albertine
Images via Pinterest
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