Je pravdou, ze ked som navstivila web obchod od Bodie and Fou, tak som chcela nielen vsetky tieto lampy. Maju krasne vsetky produkty, ale ked som zavitala do oddelenie svetiel, nevedela som odolat tymto...( prepacte za zhorsenu kvalitu fotiek nie je to moja vina )...
Prajem Vam krasny pondelok a uspesny tyzden !
Lucia Albertine
It is true when aj visit web shop of Bodie and Fou I wanted not only these lamps. They have beautiful all products but when aj visit the department of the lamps I fallen in love with these lamps ( sorry for low quality of photos, it is not my fault )...
Have a lovely Monday and successful week!
Lucia Albertine
by Kathleen Hills
Freja Cooper / Bloomingville
Kant Cooper / House of Doctor
by Nelson Sepuvelda
Normann Copenhagen
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