Dobre rano! Dnes by som Vam chcela ukazat nieco neskutocne a uzasne, design, ktory potesi nejedno oko. Tieto budovy obcerstveni, restauracii, kaviarni a obchodov sa nachadzaju v Hongkongu. Myslim, ze je na mieste povedat, ze architekti a designeri tu odviedli naozaj skvelu pracu...
Prajem krasnu a slnecnu stredu!
Lucia Albertine
Good morning!
I would like to show you something amazing and beautiful, what is stunning a nice for each eye :). These buildings of restaurants, cafes, fast foods and stores are located in Hongkong. I think the architects and designers did very good job...
Have a nice and sunny Wednesday!
Lucia Albertine
Images via Interior Design Magazine
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