Tak toto je priam neskutocny dom :) Ako exterier, tak aj interier. Dom posobi nenutene, ma prijemnu atmosferu a uzasny styl. Jednoznacne k celkovej atmosfere prispieva aj vysoky strop, velke okna a tym sa interier stava bohatym na svetlo a je zaujimavy...
No musim povedat, ze architekt domu odviedol skvelu pracu, co myslite?
Lucia Albertine
This is really unbelievable house. :) The exterior and the interior are perfect. The house has fantastic atmosphere and great style. I adore high ceilings, big windows and thanks to these facts the house is more interesting...I have to say the architect did very good job, what do you think?
Lucia Albertine
Images via Skona hem
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