Tato restauracia s niekolkymi izbami na prenocovanie je naozaj uzasna. Nachadza sa vo Svedsku a veru ani ja by som ju neobisla. :)
Disponuje krasnymi, svetlymi priestormi s trochu industrialnym look-om, drevenym nabytkom, vidieckym a pokojnym prostredim a to si myslim, ze musi dostat kazdeho....
Co poviete, chceli by ste navstivit takuto restauraciu?
Lucia Albertine
This restaurant with some nice rooms is really amazing. It is located in Sweden and I would like to visit this nice place. :)
We can find here stunning and light space with a little bit of industrial look, wooden furniture, country and nice environment. I think everobody who visits this nice restaurant ..has to love it :)
Would you like to visit this nice restaurant?
Lucia Albertine
Images via Fantastic Frank
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