Je to velmi zaujimava kaviaren, ktora zaujime hned na prvy pohlad. Nachadza sa v New Yorku.
Mne osobne sa paci uz len preto, ze som velkym fanusikom geometrickych tvarov a industrialneho stylu, a tieto uhlopriecky v interieri spolu s bielymi tehlami vytvaraju naozaj skvelu, sviezu atmosferu. Co poviete?
Prajem krasne rano aj napriek tomu, ze je uprsane!
Lucia Albertine
This cafe is absolutely top. It is so perfect and interesting, everybody has to visit this space. The cafe is located in New York.
I love this cafe because I am big fan of geopemtric shapes and industrial style and these diagonals with white bricks creates really nice, fresh and comfortable atmosphere. What do you think?
Have a nice morning!
Lucia Albertine
Images via Interior Design Magazine
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