Zdravim! Tento byt jednoducho nejde prehliadnut. Je zaujimavy svojou architekturou, ktora ma na svedskych bytoch neustale fascinuje. Ale samozrejme ma zaujal aj mnozstvom neskutocnych napadov, ktore tu najdeme. V prvom rade osobity sarm tento byt ziskal vdaka obrazom, ktore su rozmiestnene po celom byte. Ja mam rada obrazy, mozno pre niektorych sa to bude zdat, ze to je prilis, ale ja si myslim, ze absolutne nie. Rozmiestnene su s citom a izby vdaka tomu vyzeraju omnoho zaujimavejsie. A este jedna izba ma velmi zaujala a to je pracovna. Ta je fakt uzasna, dekoracie su skvelo vybrate a zladene....a nemozem zabudnut na ten neskutocny rebrik...:)
Lucia Albertine
Hello! I wanted to post the images of this swedish apartment because I think it is so fabulous and interesting. At first this flat is interesting thanks to architecture which is fantastic. But we can not forget a lot of super ideas here.
I love this apartment for many pictures. Maybe you can find it not interesting and boring....but not me and I guess that the flat is magical thanks to these pictures. A one more room is perfect for me and it is work room. This space is stunning, the decorations are nice and ......there is amazing ladder...:)
Lucia Albertine
Images via Alvhemmakleri
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