Zdravim! Tak ako si uzivate to uzasne pocasie? :)
Dnes som natrafila na tento uzasny vidiecky dom a musim Vam ho jednoducho ukazat. Ma uzasnu atmosferu, krasny nabytok, drevene podlahy a vidiecka atmosfera sa tu odzrkadluje na kazdom kroku, v kazdej miestnosti ....no a ked praje pocasie, tak sa cas da perfektne travit aj vonku v zahrade...
Prajem krasny vikend!
Lucia Albertine
Hello! How are you in today's wonderful weather?
I have found this beautiful country house and I have to show you it :) This house has fabulous atmosphere, nice furniture, wooden floor and country, fresh air is absolutely everwhere, in each room....when the weather is nice, you can relax in the garden...
Have a wonderful weekend!
Lucia Albertine
Images via Stadshem
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