WOW...tak na tento dom mozem povedat jedine toto....Je to uzasny, priestranny dom v mojich farbach, v ktorom sa naozaj kazdy musi citit skvelo :)Uputa tu asi vsetko, od vstupnej haly, cez obyvaciu izbu, kde zaujmu postery a fotografie a takisto zaujmu aj pekne, jemne farby detskych izieb....
Lucia Albertine
WOW.....when I saw this lovely black and white house I said only this word...It is amazing, spacious nordic house in my favourite colors and I think that everyone has to fell here nicely.:) Everything is nice, from the hallway via living room where the posters and images are beautiful and of course I love beautiful colors in the kids rooms too...
Lucia Albertine
Lucia Albertine
WOW.....when I saw this lovely black and white house I said only this word...It is amazing, spacious nordic house in my favourite colors and I think that everyone has to fell here nicely.:) Everything is nice, from the hallway via living room where the posters and images are beautiful and of course I love beautiful colors in the kids rooms too...
Lucia Albertine
Images via Lundin
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