Dobre rano! Aky ste mali vikend? Aj ked clovek bol zmateny z pocasia, verim, ze ste prezili krasny vikend....
Chcela by som zacat krasnym danskym designom a produktom od mojho oblubeneho designera Arneho Jacobsena. Tato Tongue stolicka patri medzi jeho oblubene produkty a ja si myslim, ze pravom. Je naozaj uzasna, dobre vyzera, vhodna ako domov, tak aj do kancelarie...A tie farby, ktore su pre stolicku zvolene, su krasne a jemne, ze si ju kvoli nim zamiluje snad kazdy, co poviete?
Prajem krasny pondelok!
Lucia Albertine
Good morning! How was your weekend? I know we were focused thanks to weather but I hope the weekend was great...
I would like to start with lovely danish classical design and product of my favourite designer Arne Jacobsen. This Tongue chair is his popular product. This chair is fabulous, looks absolutely perfect and is good for home and for office too....The choice of colors is really nice, every color is stunning.
I think everyone has to love this chair. What do you think?
Have a nice Monday!
Lucia Albertine
Images via Howe
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