Dobre rano! Tak aky bol vikend? Kratky, pravda.....:(
Dnes by som chcela mat tento post o krasnom danskom porcelane z produkcie Lyngby. Ich tovaren vznikla v roku 1936 a mala velky uspech, no napriek tomu existovala len do roku 1969...No Dani velmi dobre vedeli, ze ich porcelan mal uspech a preto sa snazili obnovit svoje dedicstvo. To sa im podarilo v roku 2012 a zatial maju obrovsky uspech...Lyngby ma teraz k dispozicii nove designerske talenty a preto su nove produkty vzdy zaujimave a pekne, najnovsie velky uspech znie Lygby vasa na prvom obrazku.....
Prajem Vam krasny pondelok!
Lucia Albertine
Hello! How was your weekend? I know ...too short :(
I would like to have this post about lovely danish porcelain Lyngby which started their production in 1936 and was very popular. But nevertheless Lyngby porccelain had some problems and finished in 1969...But danish people knew that their porcelain had big success around the world and they restarted Lygby's production in 2012.....I have to say they did very well because at the moment they use the work a lot of new designer's talents. Now their product Lygby vase is the most popular product...
Have a nice Monday!
Lucia Albertine
Images via Bobedre, Lyngby
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