...fakt je, ze pocasie je chladnejsie aj ked sa slniecko snazi este preniknut....no napriek tomu mam taky dojem, ze leto sa s nami uz rozlucilo...:( Ale preco nezostat elegantna a chic aj pocas pomaly, ale isto prichadzajucej jesene? Myslim, ze denim v outfitoch nam k tomu len dopomoze....
Co myslite?
Prajem este krasny den, vikend a uvidime sa v pondelok!
Lucia Albertine
..that's right the weather is colder and colder although we are lucky to see the sun in the sky sometimes...but I think the summer is gone ...:( BUT we want to be elegant and chic also during the fall and I guess that denim will help us to be great in this season....
What do you think?
Have a nice rest of the day and weekend too!
See you on Monday!
Lucia Albertine
Images via Pinterest
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