Dobre rano! Konecne je tu piatok :) len pevne verim, ze pocasie sa na vikend umudri...
Na zaver pracovneho tyzdna by som Vam chcela ukazat jeden moj maly DIY projekt. Raz sa mi nestastnou nahodou podarilo polamat ram na obraze, zostala len zadna cast obrazu. Rozmyslala som na co to pouzit a hned ma to totiz dlhsie som potrebovala ciernu tabulu, tak preco si ju sama nevyrobit? Stacilo kupit tabulovu farbu, parkrat natriet a vysledok bol uzasny a kedze to bola zadna cast z obrazu, problem zavesenia na stenu bol vyrieseny...
Prajem krasny piatok!
Lucia Albertine
Good morning!
Finally we have Friday but I believe that the weather will be nicier during weekend...
I would like to show you one my small DIY project for the end of the working week. I broke the frame of my picture some months ago. It remained only rear part of the picture and I knew what I can do with it. I needed small black wall for my home office and it was great for it. I bought black color, painted over several times and the result was great.It was rear part of the image so the problem about hanging this small black wall was solved immediately....
Have a nice Friday!
Lucia Albertine
Images via Trendesso
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