Zdravim! Ked som zbadala tento byt, hned som mala lepsiu naladu. Je jednoducho uzasny...
Na prvy pohlad okamzite uputa balkon, je fantasticky a samozrejme na nom nesmu chybat kvety...
Takisto ani interier nijako nezaostava, je prijemny svojou atmosferou, stylingom a dekoraciami. Ja asi navzdy zostanem fanusikom tychto starsich svedskych domov, lebo tie vysoke stropy a dvere su priam famozne :)
Lucia Albertine
Hello! When I saw this swedish apartment I was in better mood immediatelly. It is really lovely space...
At the first sight you will attract balcony, the styling and nice flowers must not missing...
And the interior is fabulous too. The rooms are magical thanks to nice decorations, atmosphere and styling. I will be a fan of these older swedish apartments forever because I adore high ceilings and old doors.:)
Lucia Albertine
Images via Bjurfors
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