Agentura Jouin Manku dostala vo francuzskom meste Fontevraud uzasnu zakazku a to premenit kamennu stavbu nemocnice a hospicu na moderny hotel a restauraciu. Designeri Patrik Jouin a Sanjit Manku si s rekonstrukciou klastora poradili naozaj velmi dobre. Vytvorili ako hotel, tak aj restauraciu s neobycajnou a jedinecnou atmosferou.V hoteli volili neutralne farby, vsetok nabytok je vyrobeny na mieru a velky doraz kladli na akustiku v miestnostiach. V restauracii urobili 88 miest na sedenie a 6 boxov z duboveho dreva....
Projekt je fakt uzasny, staci si ho len poprezerat :)
Prajem krasny den!
Lucia Albertine
Agency Jouin and Manka obtained big contract and they had to change stone building of hospital and hospic to modern restaurant and hotel. I have to say they did very good job because the result is fantastic. Designers Patrik Jouin and Sanjit Manka did this reconstruction nicely. They created the hotel and restaurant with magical and unique atmosphere. Designers chose neutral colors for the hotel, the furniture is custom-designed and main attention is paid to acoustics. The restaurant has 88 seats and 6 boxes of oak wood.
The project is really amazing, you can see it below.
Have a nice day!
Lucia Albertine
Images via Dezeen magazine
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