Dobre rano! Tento krasny dom vo Finsku ma na svedomi architekt Anssi Lassila. Je uzasny, Lassila sa rozhodol vyuzit smrekove drevo. Cely dom je postaveny za ucelom toho, aby rodina bola spolu, miestnosti su preto nie az tak velke, ale pre rodinu dostacujuce. Samozrejme, ze sa aj v tomto dome muselo najst miesto pre saunu, ved aky by to bol finsky dom bez sauny :)
Prajem krasny a uspesny zaciatok pracovneho tyzdna :)
Lucia Albertine
Good morning! This lovely house which is located in Finland is from architect Anssi Lassila. This architect used the spruce in this house. Whole house was built for one aim and it was for family and the time spent jointly. For this reason, the rooms are not big but are spacious. And of course, the finninsh house can not be without sauna :)
Have a nice and successful start of working week!
Lucia Albertine
Images via Interior Design Magazine
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