....kazdy by si prial, keby sme mali cez celu jesen krasne a teple pocasie, no nie vzdy sa to da a zda sa, ze pomaly a isto chlad a sychrave pocasie sa uz vonku udomacnili. Nijako to neprida na dobrej nalade a choroby sa zacnu cochvila hlasit, musim povedat, ze u nas to uz prepuklo, tak u mna by bola spravna otazka ako sa vratit k stavu byt fit? Ja to jednoznacne vidim v spravnej zivotosprave a hlavne v cviceni, nech je organizmus silnejsi a odolnejsi.....
....everyone wants to have a long nice and warm fall but sometimes it is not possible. Colder and chilly weather is already outside and our optimism left with summer :(. I think this time is good for cold and other illness and now we have question how to be fit during fall. I think important thing is a good nutrition and do some exercises. Then our body will be stronger and becomes more resistant....
Images via Pinterest
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