Zdravim! Ako to uz u realinej kancelarii Alvhemmakleri byva zvykom, zas nas potesili jednym krasnym svedskym bytom. Tentokrat je to 3-izbovy, priestranny byt, v ktorom dominuje biela elegancia.
Nachadza sa v obytnom dome z roku 1905, ale presiel rekonstrukciou v roku 1995. A aj samotny byt, ktory ma rozlohu 85 stvorcovych metrov presiel rekonstrukciou v roku 2010 - 2011.
A samozrejme rekonstrukcia bytu velmi pomohla. Posobi velmi elegantne, jemne. Kazda jedna izba je uzasna, od podlahy az po strop so svojimi jedinecnymi dekoraciami a stylovym nabytkom. Ja by som spomenula len stoliky v obyvacke, podlahy, krasna je hala a spalna, za zmienku stoji aj jedalensky stol so stolickami, len jedno jedine, co sa mi nepaci a tou je tapeta v kuchyni....
Hello! Real Estate Agency Alvhemmakleri has one really nice apartment in the offer for sale. This swedish flat with 3 rooms and 85 square metres is lovely and white elegance is dominant.
The flat is located in older building from 1905 but was reconstructed in 1995. And the flat was reconstructed too from 2010 to 2011.
After all these reconstructions, the flat looks amazing and elegant. Each room is nice from the floor to the ceiling :) with stunning decorations and stylish furniture. I adore the tables in the living room, floors, hallway, bedroom, dining table with the chairs but one thing which I don't like is wallpaper in the kitchen...
Images via Alvhemmakleri
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