Dobre rano! Kto ma doma sedaci vak, urcite mi da za pravdu, ze je strasne fajn. Je to zabavne ako pre deti, tak aj pre dospelych a kludne ho mozete mat ako v obyvacej izbe, tak aj v detskej izbe...
Kludne si vak mozete urobit aj doma, nemusite ho kupovat v obchode, podmienkou je mat sijaci stroj, 4 odlisne latky 1,15 m dlzka a minimalne 120 cm sirka, 1 zips 70 cm dlhy, 4,60 m podsivka...
Na zaciatok staci papier, na ktory budeme kreslit vzor. Polozime si ho na zem alebo na pracovny stol. Potom si na spagat dlhy 110 cm upevnime ceruzu a druhy koniec pripevnime lepiacou paskou na papier a urobime obluk od zaciatku do konca papiera. Potom od zaciatku spagatu urobime priamku, ktora bude dlha 110 cm a bude sa dotykat toho kruhu. Potom od jedneho bodu tej priamky urobime dalsiu priamku rovnako dlhu a bude sa tiez dotykat kruhu a z druheho bodu priamky dalsiu ciaru tak, aby sa priamky dotykali a boli rovnako dlhe, tak vznikne trojuholnik, podla ktoreho odstrihneme vsetky 4 latky. Tie pozosivame ako keby sme sili patchwork, nesmieme zabudnut na podsivku a nakoniec na zips :), nakoniec sedaci vak naplnime gulockami.....
Prajem prijemne sitie a takisto aj den! :)
Lucia Albertine
Good morning! I think that Bean bag is absolutely fantastic thing and have it at home is perfect for children and for adults too. You can have it in the living room or in the kids room ...
But you can create it yourself at home it is not needed to buy in a shop. For start you need sewing machine, 4 different fabrics 1,15 m length and minimal 120 cm width, 1 zipper 70 cm length, 4,60 m lining...
For start of our nice work we need a paper where we will draw our pattern of the bag. We put this paper on the table or on the ground.
Then we take a twine 110 cm lenght, one end of the twine we stick on the paper and we draw the circle with second end of the twine where is attached the pencil. Then we do straight line from the point where the twine was sticked. This line has 110 cm and must touch the circle. We do 2 lines from first and second end of absolutely first straight line and both must touch the circle in one point. Then we have triangle, our pattern and we can cut the fabrics and sew like patchwork. We can not forget for lining and zipper. Finally we can fill this bag with small balls....
Have a nice sewing and day too!
Lucia Albertine
Images via BoligLiv
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