Dobre rano! Mna osobne vzdy potesi nejaky dobry napad alebo trik do domacnosti. Nedavno som narazila na tento skvely napad, co sa tyka skladania osusiek a uterakov. Mozno mnohi z Vas to tak uz mnoho rokov robia, no ja som tento sposob nepoznala a velmi sa mi pacil, tak preco sa s nim nepodelit aj s Vami?
Prajem krasny a uspesny den!
Lucia Albertine
Good morning! I like a lot of helpful ideas or trips for homes. Recently I have discovered this great idea for our wardrobes. Maybe you know it already but.... for me it is new and I love this style of folding towels. You can try it too...why not :)
Have a nice and successful day!
Lucia Albertine
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