....na dnesny den som vybrala dalsie krasne kusky, ktore by mohli pribudnut do vasho jesenneho satnika, v kazdom pripade inspiracie vyzeraju skvelo, elegantne a chic a verim, ze nezostane len pri inspiraciach, teda v mojom pripade urcite nie, lebo potrebujem na jesen nejaky podobny pekny kusok :)...
Prajem este krasny zvysok dna!
Lucia Albertine
...for today I have chosen these nice pieces which can be in your fall's wardrobe, I have to say that the inspirations below look so nice, elegant and chic and I believe you will choose something similar like that. I will do because I need some nice jacket so these inspirations are perfect...:)
Have a nice rest of the day!
Lucia Albertine
Images via Pinterest
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