Zdravim! Takt toto je naozaj neskutocny, svedsky byt, ktory je urceny na predaj. Patri k tym mensi, ale svoj styl ma uzasny.
Neskutocne sa mi pacia materialy, ktore su tu pouzite ako tehly a drevo...Mojou srdcovou zalezitostou je perfektny, dreveny, jedalensky stol a obyvacia izba, ktora je vazne chic...:)
Hello! This is really amazing and unbelievable swedish apartment which is in offer for sale of Real Estate Agency. It is smaller flat but his style is wonderful.
I love all the materials as a brick and wood which we can find here....But I adore especially perfect wooden dining table and chic living room....:)
Images via Fastighetsbyran
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