Dobre rano! Mam rada nezvycajne veci a jednou z nich je aj tento uzasny vesiak Copenhanger Cruiser. Je pravda, ze na prvy pohlad uputa svojou farbou, ale aspon je neprehliadnutelny :) 11 hakov je urcenych na vesanie kabatov, satiek, klobukov, tasiek a inych drobnosti...
Prajem krasny pondelok!
Lucia Albertine
Hello! I love unusual things and one of them is this lovely hanger Copenhanger Cruiser. It is true that this hanger is impossible to notice thanks to bright color. :) You can use 11 hooks for coats, hats, bags, scarves and a lot of your personal things...
Have a nice Monday!
Lucia Albertine
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