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Novy DIY projekt / New DIY project

Dobre rano! Dnes by som Vam chcela napisat nieco malo ohladne mojho DIY projektu. Je to vlastne taky domaci maly odkazovac...
Zacalo to vlastne tym, ze manzel si nasiel nove hobby a to hubarcenie. Vsak preco nie, len nech nedonesie muchotravky :). Ale to hadam nie, podarili sa mu pekne kusky, podotykam neskodne a bolo treba ich dat ususit. Nasiel zopar kuskov dreva, ktore pozbijal a chcel to pouzit na susenie, ale sused mu poradil nieco ine, tak mne zostali tieto pozbijane kusky, ktore mi bolo skoda vyhodit a hned mi skrsla v hlave myslienka na moje tvorenie. Hlavnu kostru veci som uz mala ( nastastie ), uz len mi zostavalo vycistit dreva, vysmirglovat, skrutky dat na svoje miesto systemom zik - zak a nakoniec nalakovat. Uz to zdobi moj pracovny stol a som tomu rada, nie je nic lepsie ako vlastny vytvor a co je hlavne posluzi...:)
Prajem krasny den!
Lucia Albertine


Good morning! I would like to write something about my DIY project. It is small familiar messager :)
My husband started this history because he found his new hobby as a collect mushrooms. Why not, it is nice hobby but the mushrooms must be edible...:) Of course...:)  Then he needed a place where he could put dried mushrooms, so he wanted to do something with small pieces of wood....eventually he used something different and I could use this "wooden frame ". I was happy for that because I had my small project in my head immediatelly. :) Then I cleaned the frame, used the sandpaper, screws and finally lacker...
I am happy for this messager because it is my creation and especially serve the purpose of messager..:)
Have a nice day!
Lucia Albertine

Images by Trendesso


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Another nice christmas styling in our christmas competition

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Lovely advent wreath for our christmas competition

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Interesting black and white interiors / Zaujímavé čierno - biele interiéry

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