Zdravim! Myslim, ze toto zaujimave a krasne miesto musi zaujat kazdeho. Je to uzasny 3 - izbovy byt v Goteborgu, v ktorom sa mi paci naozaj kazda miestnost. Ale podme pekne poporiadku...
Co sa tyka kuchyne, tak ta je moj sen, biela, priestranna a svetla :) Stolicky su priam fantasticke. Obyvacia izba je spojena s kuchynou a je mila a minimalisticka, dekoracie su zaujimave a pekne no a nemozeme v ziadnom pripade obist spalnu, neskutocne sa mi paci priecelie postete, to je fascinujuce....
Hello! I think everyone has to love this interesting and nice place. It is amazing 3 - rooms apartment in Gotheburg and I love each room....So let's go to watch more...
I love this kitchen, this room is my dream...lovely, white, light and spacious. The chairs are fantastic. The living room is minimalist and cute, the decorations are interesting and nice....then we have here the bedroom which is unbelievable, I adore the facade of the bed ....it is so stunning....
Images via Maklarhuset
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