Tak tento dom naozaj chyti za srdce, je elegantny a vesely. Musi sa tu byvat velmi dobre, pretoze hned na prvy pohlad vidiet, ze ludia, ktori tu byvaju maju cit pre harmoniu a design.
Vdaka farbam dom zije, je velmi prijemny a clovek ma chut ho hned preskumat, tak podme na to...
Mna na prvy pohlad uputala podlaha, ktora je drevena a velmi pekna, kuchyna je uzasna a zaujimava, musi sa tam dobre varit :) ( hihihi )
cely priesor je vyuzity velmi dobre, minimalisicky nabytok dava pocit vzdusnosti....
ako je zrejme, domaca pani ma rada velke ramy zrkadiel, ktore vidime ako v spalni, tak aj v obyvacej izbe...
This house is really fantastic and grabb the heart, this space is happy and elegant. I believe that people are satisfied to live there because we can find here nice harmony and design.
Thanks to colors this house is full of good mood and energy. So we go to see more of the house....
I love nice wooden floor, the kitchen is nice and very interesting and I guess that housewife is happy with this kitchen because it is nice place for cooking( hihi )...
whole space is used correctly and nicely, I love living room becaus is airy, light and beautiful....
I think that housewife likes big frames of mirror, we can find 2 frames here...in the bedroom and living room...
Images via Bjurfors
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