Zdravim! Na dnes prinasam 4-izbovy byt, na ktory sa jednoducho hodi slovo uzasny. Je priestranny a svoju vyhodu cerpa aj z velkych izieb...
Myslim, ze tento byt bude zaujimavy pre vacsinu z nas. Nabytok je vyberany z velkym vkusom, nie je zanedbana ani jedna izba. Mne osobne sa neskutocne pacia lavice v obyvacej izbe, vesiaky v spalni, pastelove farby a hlavne napad satnika na chodbe.....tento byt proste zije a je plny napadov mozno aj pre Vas...:)
Hello! For today I bring for you one swedish apartment which is absolutely perfect. The flat is spacious and the rooms are high and airy....
I think this apartment will be interesting for many people because the furniture is chosen very well and nicely for each room. I adore the style and design, the benches in the living room, hangers in the bedroom, pastel colors and especially the idea of wardrobe in the hallway...this space is full of inspirations maybe for you...:)
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