...ja viem, ze obliect sa na pracovny pohovor je jednou z tych tazsich veci..uz len preto, ze nas outfit napovie potecialnemu zamestnavatelovi co - to o nas este skor nez otvorime usta a podla toho sa bude ku nam spravat a na 90% to ovplyvni jeho konecny nazor na nas...ak mate nahodou pred sebou pracovny pohovor, dufam, ze tieto inspiracie uvedene nizsie Vam aspon trocha pomozu...
Prajem este krasny den!
Lucia Albertine
...I know to dress for job interview is very difficult for one reason ....our outfit for this occassion is nonverbal communication and potential employer shall obtain certain informations about us rather than we open our mouth. He changes his final decision thanks to outfit for 90% ..if you wait for a job interview I hope these inspirations will help you a little bit...:)
Have a nice rest of the day!
Lucia Albertine
Images via Pinterest
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