Dobre rano! Nie je nic krajsie a zaujimavejsie pre deti, ako ked maju svoju vlastnu skrysu, bunker alebo domcek. Ak je moznost a priestor, tak je to najlepsie na strome alebo v starej dielni. No najviac sa bude detom ratat, ak to budu mat aj pekne zariadene, tu sa mozu realizovat zrucne mamicky a nieco im dovnutra usit. No samozrejme, ak uz dochadzaju vsetky napady a moznosti, tak potom treba vyuzit aj designove obchody alebo obchody s nabytkom pre deti ako je napr. Ikea...
Prajem krasnu a slnecnu nedelu!
Lucia Albertine
Good morning! Some nice ideas for children are always very useful ......It is perfect for every child to have own shelter, small house or hide. It is so interesting and esoteric...If it is possible the best hide is on the tree or in the shed. Then we can arrange interior for them, we can sew something nice things, pillows or decorations or we can use interior's design shops or shops with furniture f.e. Ikea.....
Have a nice and sunny Sunday!
Lucia Albertine
Images via Boligpluss
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