Zdravim! Tento byt je zaujimavy uz len tym, ze sa nachadza v budove z roku 1875. Uz samotny rok napoveda, ze sa tym padom bude jednat o velmi zaujimavu architekturu a je tomu aj tak. Pozornost na seba putaju samotne okna. A nielen tie...
Samotny styl, ktory prevlada v celom byte sa nesie v duchu pohodlia a dobreho vkusu. Prevlada biela farba, ktora sa nachadza ako na stenach, tak aj na podlahe, kazda jedna miestnost je pekna, specificka, zaujimava. Mne sa najviac paci jedalensky kut s rozlicnymi stolickami, obyvacia izba so svojim stolikom od Hay, spalna so svojim stylom ....
Hello! This apartment has located in very interesting building from 1875. This year gives us the impression that the architecture of the apartment will be very nice and absorbing. And it is true. We can find here a lot of wonderful tings as f.e. windows....
When we have a look on this flat we can see nice style and elegance. The white color is dominant and each room is nice and specific.
I adore the dining corner with different chairs, the living room with nice table of HAY, the bedroom with nice style....
Images via Stadshem
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