Je pravda, ze ked clovek vie strikovat, vie si vyrobit veci aj sam pre seba a nemusi sa spoliehat, ci to v obchodoch dostane alebo nie. V poslednom case som aj ja velkym fanusikom pletenych veci, hoci som sama neni taka zrucna, ze by som si ich sama ustrikovala. Zial a tak sa musim spoliehat len na obchody..:( V kazdom pripade pletene veci su uzasne a hlavne detske veci, tie su strasne mile :)
Prajem este krasny zvysok soboty!
Lucia Albertine
It is true that we know to knit we know to do nice thigs for us or our family and we don't have to go to the shops. During last time I became a big fun of knit things but I'm not skillful at knitting...:) So I must look for these nice things in shops...:(
Anyhow knit things are very beautiful and fashion for kids are very cute :)
Have a nice rest of the day!
Lucia Albertine
Images via Pinterest
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